AirFried Potato Skins

You want to know my secret seasoning for the AirFried Potato Skins?
I am a big fan of seasoning and marinating everything. It is one of my favorite kitchen activities as weird as it sounds. Especially when it comes down to vegetables like potatoes, I do believe your seasoning is the key to a flavorful dish. Airfried Potato Skins can turn out dry and bland if you do not add the right spices to the mix.
So for this specific recipe, I use Louisiana Spice Rub Cajun. You can find it easily in your store or online. Its flavor can be slightly overpowering, so I would recommend to use it with moderation.
Louisiana Spice rub$23,99
What would you pair this dish with?
For me, personally, I love making Airfried BBQ Hot sauce Chicken or Airfried Chicken Nuggets together with this dish. For some reason, Chicken and Potatoes always go well in a combination and are enjoyed in various cuisines and forms.
Indeed, alternatively, the potato skins can be enjoyed as a main course themselves. The dish is definitely filling and savory enough.
Regardless of what you decide, I am confident you will enjoy making this recipe in your AirFryer and enjoying it to the fullest.